On Monday's I always try to write something that will help us all with our week. So today is Monday and we're all drowsy, tired, ill, dreading the work week along with classes that we are just tired of by now. We're heading into the middle of the semester and many of us who work know how tiring working and going to school can get and we're all just exhausted. And the weather is terrible too adding on to the already gloomy day ahead of us.
But why are we so grudgingly dreading this day and more importantly this week?
I, as many others, keep telling myself this is the passing time in my life where I need most to be complacent in my life. I need to keep ahead in my journey to finish the required credits for my major and I need to push through work because I need the money to keep going to school. I, as many others, have put my family beneath my radar of importance and my busy week always makes me want to pull my hair out. I have gone all of this time telling myself that I need to bee complacent to get where I want to be. But I, and so are you, am wrong.
Complacency can ruin our life as we enjoy it, it makes us bitter, and when we're busy doing things we hate we begin to be filled with hatred. Which is down right completely toxic to our young life. It presets our outlook on life and tells us it's okay to be where we are even when we hate it. We begin each journey with our shoulders rolled back but how many of us today stand with our shoulders in that same position. How many of us are dreading that class that is so critical to your degree? How many of us are looking forward to going to work to spread happiness and complete our jobs with pure joy? And I'm not talking about the normal Monday blues, I'm talking about the Whole-Week Blues. The blues you get when you're so consumed with hate that you dread even thinking of the week to come.
Challenge: I challenge you to search deep within your heart this week to find out if you're in the place you need to be. Whether it's your job that is so utterly awful or your major that makes you dread the days ahead, seek to find an answer on what extraordinary thing you should be doing with your life. Are you able to work heartily or is your days consumed with a heavy heart?
Finding the job of your college dreams is easier said than done but it's always very achievable and worth the effort. Being complacent now is the worst thing for our health as college students. If we hate something that we do on an every-day basis then we will begin to hate the other things that take up our time as well. And that is no way to start our life much less our week. Complacency is not okay.
As always just for you,